Coffee Lover Project :

welcome to my bootstrap_project: Coffee Lover

here we recreated this webpage and an additional form page

we just followed the instruction steps here to recreated these webpages!

  1. Create a general landing page with a JumboTron
  2. Next create a NavBar on the Page that links to another html file
  3. Add two paragrahs of lorem-ipsum below the jumbotron
  4. Next use the Grid system to add in thumbnail pictures of coffee. Source: You will need to use the thumbnail class for this. Here are the image links:
  5. Next make sure that at the largest settings you have 3 columns of pictures. On the smallest screen settings you should have 2 columns. Its up to you where you want to change.
  6. Next create another html file for the sign up page.
  7. Create a Form on this Sign Up page with Email, Password, and a Check Box

That's it. Feel free to play around with this project and style it more to your liking. The main focuses of this project are the uses of NavBar, Jumbotron, Form, Container, and the Grid System.

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Eos accusantium quia aliquid optio debitis ipsam sequi consequatur consequuntur? Quis sapiente sint molestias consequuntur nisi fugiat ducimus ullam animi neque numquam!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Illo exercitationem recusandae omnis officia modi minima in veritatis natus possimus, cum dicta dolores blanditiis veniam odio cumque itaque ipsam eaque iste.

Pictures of Coffee :